8 research outputs found

    ICT and teachers in higher education : case study on adopting web based training

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    Reflections on Technology Acceptance in Higher Education

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    The use of new information technology impacts individual work as well as the whole organization. This paper illuminates some preliminary findings from an ongoing study about impacts of the new educational technology in educational organization and individual work. The main question answered in this article is why has information technology being taken into use in certain higher education cases and by whom? Empirical findings are discussed and compared with technology acceptance model (TAM) and theoretical extension of the model (TAM2). Findings suggest that perceived usefulness plays very crucial role when adapting new technology, but there are also other important factors

    Product Oriented Thinking and Expert Knowledge in Consulting Services

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    This article focuses on problematic field of creating service products out of expert knowledge, especially within the field of consulting in the field of IT. This article seeks answer to basic question: ”under what circumstances producing products out of expert knowledge is most efficient?” using theory creating conceptual-analytical approach. Here a theoretical discussion towards common concepts known as product, consulting and expert knowledge is encouraged and a new theoretical framework based on previous studies within the fields of consulting and product oriented thinking, as well as knowledge management is presented

    Defining Cyberethics

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    Focus of this paper is on ethical issues related to the era of Internet, e.g. cyberethics. Approach used in this paper is phenomenology, whereas definitions of cyberethics are discussed from the viewpoint of pragmatic ethics, while questioning existing basic values in society and proportion these into pragmatic, de facto ideology. Resulting comparison provides conceptual analysis on cyberethics as well as provides new perspectives on research on cyberethics. This paper demonstrates, that there exists a conflict between pragmatic and general moral law, which is foundational one

    Digitaalinen kuilu ja tietoinen valinta

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    Artikkelin aiheena on tietoyhteiskuntaan osallistuminen, ulkopuolelle jääminen, sekä tietoinen valinta. Tarkastelussa lähdetään liikkeelle digitaalisen kuilun käsitteestä, sen kehittymisestä ja lähikäsitteistä. Internetin merkityksen ja digitalisaation vaikutuksien kautta edetään digitaalisiin syrjäytyjiin ja syrjäytettyihin. Lisäksi tarkastellaan sähköistä hallintoa ja kommunikaation merkitystä. Lopuksi pohditaan osallistumisen merkitystä, edellytyksiä, sekä tähän liittyviä yhteiskunnallisia vaikutuksia.©2021 Kirjoittajat ja Jyväskylän yliopisto.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Pohdintoja mediaatiosta ja identiteetistä digitalisoituvassa yhteiskunnassa

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    Artikkelissa tarkastellaan välittymisprosessin kahdensuuntaista liikettä, välittymistä eli mediaatiota teoreettisessa mielessä sekä sitä, miten mediaatio osaltaan vieraannuttaa ja osaltaan saa aikaan vastareaktioita, mediaation vastaisia liikkeitä. Artikkelissa käsitellään Jean Baudrillardin sekä Marc Guillaumen ajatuksia välittymisestä ja anonymiteetista, jotka näiden kahden tutkijan mukaan kytkeytyvät yhteen. Lisäksi otetaan esille näkökulma ihmisen identiteetin muutoksesta, jota on laajasti käsitelty brittiläisessä Iso-Britannian hallituksen 2013 julkaisemassa ja rahoittamassa Future identities -tutkimuksessa (Future of identity 2013).© 2021 Kirjoittajat ja Jyväskylän yliopisto.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Spanning Boundaries between Academia and Practice in Information Systems (IS): A Case Study of a Community and Network of Practice

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    While Information Systems (IS) has strong ties in practice, it is extremely important that academic and practice perspectives share the same ground in research and education. While there are different research communities in IS which are called communities of practice and knowing (CoP&K), there exists a gap between academic CoP&K and practitioner CoP&K in doctoral IS education. This paper describes a working approach on boundary spanning between academic- and practitioner CoP&K’s in doctoral education. In presented case example, a doctoral program has been organized in the field of IS for professionally qualified doctoral students with significant industry experience. This doctoral seminar program has been going on for over twenty years and has produced numerous doctors for the field among other things. Based on this example a research model for studying the exchange of knowing and knowledge between different CoP&K’s in doctoral education in Information Systems and research questions for further research are presented. This article suggests that the gap between academia and practice does not need to be as deep as it appears to be, and that there is an understudied field in the intersection between CoP&K’s in the IS research field. Thus authors propose a research agenda, where focus is on narrowing the gap between academia and practice in IS through proper use of CoP&K’s in doctoral education